Redirect Server is a server that helps game servers. What redirect does it sends the files to the client trying to log in on your server and doesn't have some file that he needs to play in your server (ex: map).
Here is a HOWTO use redirect server for Unreal Tournament
First step is to open UT2003.ini this is a text file that is located in your UT system folder (ex: C:/ut2003/system/UT2003.ini), and add the following line under the those categories.
or make sure that the lines say this.
- Code:
Then you need to make sure that the files that you are using on your server are on the redirect server for people to download them from your redirect server, usually if u got a map from a server its already on redirect, (map makers put them on redirect all the time before they give their maps out). So if u make a new map go upload it on the redirect server.
HOWTO upload files on the redirect server:
Use the following login details to upload your files directly to our server. (use internet explorer for adding files, firefox doesnt suport ftp uploading)
- Code:
Username: upload
Password: upload
Make sure when you upload files they need to be compressed in uz or uz2 files.If u don't know how or you don't have a program to compress/decompress files tell me...I have a program and i can explain how to do it just by using a CMD command line prompt .
BTW i used the redirect instruction on this page to write this.